Finedon Infant School

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Orchard Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN9 5JG

01933 680 467

Finedon Infant School

Finedon Mulso CE Junior School

Nurturing children to flourish, enabling them to live life in all its fullness.

Stronger together
  1. Curriculum
  2. Our Curriculum
  3. Thriving at Finedon

Thriving at Finedon

To enable our pupils to learn in a safe environment where they can maximise their learning, we expect pupils to maintain the highest possible standards of behaviour.  

We have developed a 'curriculum for behaviour' which we call ‘Thriving at Finedon’. This document sets out the rules and routines that we explicitly teach pupils.  We believe this helps to build pupils' character by supporting them to develop the habits and attitudes that will enable them to succeed in later life.

Link to Infant School Behaviour Curriculum

Link to Junior School Behaviour Curriculum